World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
quasi-continent Partly a continent; used of the Caribbean, Middle East and other regions.
quasi-parish In Catholic usage, partly or virtually a parish although not yet formally or canonically established.
quasipentecostal Nonpentecostal or noncharismatic church members or churches which nevertheless are apparently/seemingly/largely pentecostal or semipentecostal in practice; especially strong in Third-World countries;not usually counted in Renewal enumerations.
quasireligion Seemingly or partially a religion; or a secular movement which is partly or virtually a religion, but is also either antireligious or nonreligious or pseudo-religious.
quasi-religionists Adherents of quasi-religions.
quasi-religions Secular movements which are partly, or are virtually, religions; divided here into anti-religious quasireligions (atheism, communism, dialectical materialism, Leninism, Maoism, Mantism, scientific materialism, Stalinism, et alia), and non-religious quasi-religions (some forms of agnosticism, fascism, humanism, liberal humanism, nationalism, Nazism, some forms of non-religion, some forms of secularism).
Quran (Koran). The book of writings in Arabic accepted by Muslims as revelations made to Muhammad by Allah.
Quran translations Languages into which the Quran has been translated: about 200 (25 European) by AD 2000 including Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, English Farsi, French, German, Gujarati, Hausa, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Latin, Punjabi, Spanish, Swahili, Turkish, Urdu, Yoruba.
Quranic schools, Koranic schools Elementary schools teaching only the Quran and memorizing passages.
R&D Research and development, usually a budget item with a fixed percentage (1-10%) of a nations or a large organizations annual income.
race Biological grouping or stock, inherited at birth.
racism A belief in the inherent superiority of ones own race and its right to domination over others.
Radical Reformation The Left-Wing Reformation; Anabaptists (qv).
Radical-Pentecostals Perfectionist-Pentecostals (qv).
radio audiences See radio listeners.
radio believers See isolated radio believers.
radio churches Groups or fellowships, meeting for Sunday worship, brought into being through hearing radio broadcasts.
radio converts The number of converts to Christianity due to Christian broadcasting in the course of a month or a year.
radio letters Annual listeners letters or other communications received by international and national Christian radio and TV stations and programs.
radio listeners The regular listening or viewing audience in a country is made up of (a) listeners/viewers to Christian stations, and (b) listeners/viewers to Christian programs over secular, commercial or state radio/TV stations.
radio or TV denomination A denomination (qv), or looselyorganized grouping of churches or believers, whose existence centers on regular radio or TV broadcasts of Sunday worship services.
radio stations Broadcasting centers with transmitting plant and equipment. World total of Christian radio and TV stations:.
radio/TV-service listeners Affiliated Christians who, for reasons of age, infirmity, sickness or absence of local churches, in place of physical church attendance instead regularly listen/view Sunday radio/TV services of worship once a week or once a month.
radiophonic school A broadcasting network offering basic adult education in rural areas, with local teachers or postal feedback; mostly operated by Catholic dioceses in Latin American countries.
Raskolniks (Russian, Schismatics). Old Believers (qv).
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