World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
prayer group A term used throughout Christianity for a group of Christians regularly meeting for prayer. Catholic charismatic prayer groups vary from 2 to 1,500 members, and average 50 persons.
prayer tower (1) In Muslim usage, a minaret. (2) In Christian usage, a tower specially set aside for continuous prayer.
preaching The act, practice or art of delivering a sermon or exhortation.
Pre-Chalcedonian Oriental Orthodox (qv).
pre-Christian Of, or being a time before, the beginning of the Christian era, or before the introduction of Christianity in a locality.
prediction An inference regarding a future event based on probability theory.
Pre-Dravidian An Austro-Asiatic ethnolinguistic family.
prefect The supervising head of a prefecture apostolic (qv), not in episcopal orders.
prefectures apostolic (symbol PA). In Catholic usage, districts of a missionary territory in its initial stage of ecclesiastical organization.
preference, religious See religious preference.
prelacy Episcopacy (qv); prelature (qv).
prelate An ecclesiastic of superior rank and authority; a dignitary.
prelature (prelacy) nullius (symbol PN). Aprelatic benefice or bishopric held by a prelate exempt from diocesan control and directly under the pope.
premillennialism Doctrine expounded by premillennialists (qv); divisible into historicist and futurist premillennialism, and the later into pretribulationism, and posttribulationism.
premillennialists Protestants, usually Fundamentalists or dispensationalists, who hold that Christ will return as King before the millennium in order to establish it by his own power; estimated at 60 million in the USA alone.
Prepentecostals Believers experiencing or manifesting marks of baptism in the Holy Spirit (glossolalia, healings) before the arrival of Denominational Pentecostalism.
presbyter (NT Greek). In episcopal churches, a priest. In the Presbyterian and Reformed churches, a lay elder.
presbyteral council In the Catholic Church, a senate or council of all priests in a diocese or area.
Presbyterians See Reformed.
presbytery In Presbyterian churches, (1) the ruling body of all ministers and representative lay elders, (2) the ecclesiastical district of all congregations under the ruling body. In the Catholic Church, a parish clergy house.
pre-school children Infants, i.e. the population under 5 years old, including new-born babies.
presentation Protestant technical term used (l) in free scripture distribution by Gideons International for a formal, publicized gift of a Bible or Testament, (2) in Campus Crusade and other Protestant evangelism for a personal explanation of the gospel through exposition of 4 spiritual laws.
present-in-area population The de facto or actual population in the area, made up of all persons actually in the area on a particular day or census date, covering residents, visitors and transients, but excluding residents temporarily absent abroad.
presidency, first A council of 3 in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), consisting of a president and 2 counselors, and having jurisdiction in spiritual and temporal matters.
president The presiding officer, chairman, or chief executive in a number of denominations, including the Mormon church.
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