World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
population parameter Any numerical value that characterizes a population.
population projections Calculations showing the future development of a population based on certain assumptions and present trends.
portions In UBS usage, separately-bound single gospels or other complete single books of the Bible averaging over 48 pages in length.
Portions Copies of a complete Book of the Bible, usually one of the 4 Gospels.
postal evangelism Evangelism carried on by post or mail.
postal survey An inquiry sending questionnaires by mail.
Postcharismatics Formerly active Charismatics in mainline nonpentecostal denominations who still regard themselves as Charismatics though active in other different areas of church life.
post-conciliar In Catholic usage, an event taking place after the Second Vatican Council of 1962-65.
postdenominationalism Viewpoint rejecting close control of local churches or congregations by centralized denominations.
Postdenominationalists Independents and others who have replaced historic denominationalism by non-centralized lifestyle and church order.
postmillennialists Protestants who hold that Christ will return as King after the church has established the millennium on earth through its evangelization.
Postpentecostals Former members of classical Pentecostal denominations who leave to join nonpentecostal mainline churches but still regard themselves as Pentecostals.
post-religious Persons or populations who have abandoned any form of religion or quasi-religion.
postulant A candidate for admission to a religious order in the stage preliminary to the novitiate post-Christians. See disaffiliated Christians.
potential audience In Christian broadcasting, all persons with access to receivers and thus able to receive and listen to or view Christian broadcasts if they wish to, and able to understand the languages employed.
practice, religious See religious practice.
practice, religious Minimum attendance at church service on major festivals (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost).
practicing Actively engaged in, as a way of life.
practicing Anglican An adult Anglican who fulfils the minimum obligation of attending communion 3 times each year.
practicing Muslims Muslims who, regularly or at least annually, practice all required Muslim duties
practitioner In Christian Science usage, an authorized teacher and healer.
practitioners In a religion, its practicing members, followers, adherents, who actively follow religious precepts and standards.
praeparatio evangelica (Latin). Preparation for the gospel; used of any major factor in a peoples life which prepares them for the message of Christ.
Prayer Book Anglicans Central or Broad Church Anglicans (qv).
Prayer Book Catholics High Church Anglicans (qv).
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