World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
pluriform church The contemporary church in which differences of doctrinal emphasis are accepted as inevitable but provide no basis for breaches in fellowship.
Plymouth Brethren Exclusive Brethren (qv).
pneumatography Spirit writing (qv).
Polish/Slavonic Eastern Orthodox liturgical tradition using Polish and Slavonic in the liturgy.
political parties See Christian political parties.
political prisoners Persons in custody or imprisoned for alleged political offenses; numbering in AD 2000 several millions across the world. See prisoners of conscience.
poll An opinion inquiry taken at a single point in time, from a very small carefully-constructed sample (usually around 1,500-2,500 adults) representative of the entire adult population, to solicit answers to carefully-formulated questions, in order to derive information applicable to that entire population.
polyandry Marriage of one wife to several husbands simultaneously.
polygamy Marriage of one person to several persons simultaneously.
polyglot (1) Multilingual. (2) An edition of the Bible containing parallel text in 2 or more languages.
polygyny Marriage of one husband to several wives simultaneously.
Polynesian A Pacific ethnolinguistic family, with over 100 languages.
polytheism Belief in or worship of a plurality of gods.
polytheist One who believes in or worships a plurality of gods.
polytheists Ethnoreligionists (q.v.) who worship several or many gods and deities.
pope The title of the spiritual head of each of several large Christian churches and non-Christian religions including: the Bishop of Rome as head of the Catholic Church; the Eastern Orthodox and Coptic patriarchs of Alexandria; the heads of Maria Legio of Africa and other ex-Catholic African indigenous churches; the head of the Cao Daist Missionary Church; the head of Taoism; et alii.
popular piety Popular expressions of Christian (especially Catholic) faith widely held by the masses, to some extent infiltrated by superstition and non-Christian values; including devotion to the Crucified Christ, devotion to the Madonna, cults of saints, etc.
popular religion Term covering all widespread or popular expressions of religion held by the masses including non- Christian expressions and folk religion as well as christianized popular religiosity (qv) and popular piety (qv).
popular religiosity Christianized but deviant popular expressions of religion widely espoused by the masses, especially by the poor in Latin American countries, the most widespread groupings being Christo-pagans (qv) and Spiritist Catholics (qv).
popular-religionists Practitioners of popularized versions of Christianity often combined with non-Christian features or superstitions.
population For an area, the total of all inhabitants or residents of that area; or occasionally, the total number of persons who spend or spent the night in the area.
population census A government survey to obtain information about the state of the population at a given time.
population density The average population to one square mile or kilometer.
population explosion A popular term for the ultra-rapid expansion of population in Third-World countries since 1950
population increase See natural increase.
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