World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
Orthodoxy The systems of faith, practice and discipline of the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches.
orthography A method of representing the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols; the printed letter set used.
other religionists A term used here in Tables 1 for total adherents of all other smaller non-Christian religious faiths, quasi-religions, pseudo-religions, para-religions, religious systems, religious philosophies and semi-religious brotherhoods (Gnostic, Occult, Masonic, Mystic, etc.).
otiose Used of God in many pagan religions: remote, aloof, uninvolved, uninterested in the human race.
Outcastes Persons in India considered outside caste society. See scheduled castes.
outer language Also termed a language cluster (qv).
outer language Alternative term for a language cluster (qv).
outer lingua franca A common language with over 100,000 non-native speakers, and strictly defined as a language cluster (outer language) in World Language Classification; a lingua franca identical to a language cluster or outer language, with all component languages sharing 80% basic vocabulary of common human experience.
outreach In evangelization, the extent or length or whole complex of all varieties of evangelistic reaching out to the non-Christian world on the part of the Christian community.
outreach The churches organized mission of reaching out with the Good News to persons outside their fellowship, especially to Non-Christians in Worlds A and B.
outreach into the world The act or process of the church reaching out to the worlds non-Christian populations, in evangelism and in service.
outsider A non-Christian, or non-affiliated.
overlapping membership Membership of an individual or group, or of congregations, in 2 distinct church areas or churches or denominations.
overt evangelizers Evangelizing Christians who work openly without having to fear government spies or religious police in hostile lands.
p.a. Per annum, per year, each year, every year, annual, yearly, over the previous 12 months.
p.d. Per diem, per day, daily.
Pacific One of the 13 ethnic regions of mankind, with 135 languages.
Pacific indigenous churches Non-White indigenous churches in Oceania, indigenous to Pacific or Oceanic peoples.
paedobaptist See pedobaptist.
pagan religionists See neo-paganism.
pagans (Latin: country-dwellers). Asomewhat outdated term for non-Christians, heathen, polytheists, animists, shamanists, et alii.
pagoda A stupa (qv).
Paleoasiatic An Asian ethnolinguistic family.
Paleohemerologites Authentic Orthodox or Old Calendarists (qv).
pantheism A doctrine that the universe conceived of as a whole is God.
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