World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
ophthalmic mission A foreign missionary society specializing in eye services.
opinion-makers See decision-makers.
opportunity In evangelization, the occasion, chance, time, or combinations of circumstances, times and places suitable or favorable for persons to hear and understand the gospel.
ordained minister See minister.
order See clerical order.
order, religious See religious orders.
orders The office and dignity of a person in the Christian ministry.
ordinand A person in training for ordination.
ordinariates (symbol O). In the Catholic Church, 6 countries have country-wide jurisdictions for Eastern-rite Catholics, termed ordinariates.
ordinary In canon law, an ecclesiastic in exercise of the jurisdiction permanently annexed to his office; in the RC Church, the pope and all diocesan bishops, abbots, apostolic administrators or vicars, prelates and prefects: in Anglican usage, the bishop or archdeacon.
ordination The act of admission into, or the status of being in, the Christian ministry.
ordination of women See women, ordination of.
ordinations, annual Total to the Catholic priesthood: (1974) 4,380 secular, 2,551 religious; (1975) 4,140 secular, 2,488 religious; (1991) 6,600 secular, 2,403 religious; (1996) 6,800 secular, 2,509 religious.
organic union The goal of church union negotiations whereby 2 previously separate denominations become a single organically-administered new denomination.
organized Christianity Christianity as formally organized into traditions, denominations, and councils.
organized congregation See congregation.
organized religion A religion as formally organized by subdivisions, schools, sects, denominations or other bodies or groupings requiring membership.
Oriental Catholics Eastern-rite Catholics (qv) in communion with the See of Rome.
Oriental Jews The third major group of Diaspora Jews, after Ashkenazis (German-rite) and Sefardis (Spanish-rite); sometimes treated as a sub-division of Sefardis; Arabicspeaking Jews from North Africa and the Middle East.
Oriental Orthodox Christians of Pre-Chalcedonian/ Non- Chalcedonian/Monophysite tradition, of 5 major types: Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Syrian, Syro-Malabarese.
Oriental Orthodox Churches Conference First conference of Syrian, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian and Syro-Malabarese Orthodox churches, held in Addis Ababa 1965.
Oriental-rite Catholics Eastern-rite Catholics (qv).
Orthodox In 4 traditions: Eastern (Chalcedonian), Oriental (Pre-Chalcedonian, Non-Chalcedonian, Monophysite), Assyrian Church of the East (Nestorian), and non-historical Orthodox.
Orthodox pentecostals Orthodox in the organized charismatic renewal, expressed in healings, tongues, prophesying, etc.
orthodoxy Right teaching in Christian theology, as contrasted with heresy and heterodoxy.
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