World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
notes of the church Marks of the church (qv).
notice-boards Since vast numbers of local church buildings carry their own detailed notice-boards, these are very useful in rapid surveys.
novice One who has entered a religious house and is on probation.
nuclear Christianity Active, practicing, committed Christianity.
nuclear Christians See committed Christians.
Nuclear Mande An African ethnolinguistic family with about 30 languages.
nun A woman belonging to a religious institute or order of women with solemn vows (moniales), a woman religious in simple vows is more properly termed a sister.
nunciature The diplomatic office of the Holy See in a foreign country. World total: (1997) 98.
nuncio The diplomatic envoy of the Catholic pope as Sovereign of the Holy See, accredited to a foreign government in a country where Catholics are a majority.
nuns, Catholic World total (1978) 946,398; declining to (1996) 828,660.
Nusayris Alawites (qv).
obeah Jamaican-African word for power.
obedience A sphere of jurisdiction; control, rule, spiritual authority over others; conformity to the rule of a monastic order.
oblate One offered or devoted to the monastic life or to some special religious service or work, sometimes a layman living at a monastery.
occasional attenders Affiliated Christians (church members) who attend church services of public worship only occasionally or irregularly.
occult The mysterious, supernatural, secret, esoteric in religion and magic.
Occultist churches Bodies, often claiming the title Christian, who invoke the mysterious, secret, supernatural, esoteric in religion and magic.
Oceanic One of the 13 ethnic regions of mankind speaking 1,083 languages.
offers A scientific count producing numbers of concrete disciple-opportunities, invitations, chances to hear the gospel and become disciples of Christ.
offertory A collection of money taken at a religious service.
office In liturgy, a set form of prayer or worship drawn up by church authority, usually for daily recitation by clergy.
office-holders (German, Amtstragern). Officials of the New Apostolic Church, mostly Germans, and totaling 50,000.
officer In Salvation Army usage, a Salvationist who has left secular employment and is engaged in full-time commissioned Army service. Global total of SA officers: 25,449 in 101 countries.
official languages of the United Nations In AD 2000, there were 6: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish.
official religion See state religion.
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