World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
megacommunion A worldwide communion, world confessional family, or family of megatraditions, usually with over 10 million adherents.
megadenomination A Christian denomination whose affiliated members in a country number one million or more.
megametrodwellers Persons residing in cities with populations greater than a million.
megaministry A specific global or other large-scale ministry reaching or evangelizing over one million persons a day, or (in earlier years) over 1% of the worlds population every year.
megamissionary A term coined for a missionary who is engaged in or working with a megaministry.
meganetwork An electronic network linking a very large number of computers, around one million or more.
megapeople An ethnolinguistic people speaking a single mother tongue whose population numbers over one million.
megareligion A world religion or family of religions, usually with from one to 20 million adherents.
megarich All millionaires of all kinds.
megatrend A particularly vast, large, or significant trend affecting large populations.
megatypology A global typology illustrating and explaining any vast worldwide religious movement or phenomenon.
Melanesian An Oceanic ethnolinguistic family, with 380 languages.
Melkites Byzantine Catholics of the Middle East using Greek or Arabic.
members Affiliated (which usually means enrolled with names recorded) church members.
members, church Affiliated Christians (qv).
membership turnover A rapid flow of individuals into and out of church membership.
membership, total church Affiliated Christians (qv).
Memorial In Jehovahs Witnesses usage, the major annual celebration of Christs death, usually located on a single day worldwide at the beginning of Christendoms Holy Week; attenders number 100-150% more than baptized publishers; total attenders has risen from (1959) 1,283,603 persons to (1974) 4,550,457 to (1998) 13,896,312.
men, religious Priests and brothers in religious orders and congregations.
Mennonite World Conference (MWC). The major Mennonite world communion.
Mennonites Protestant tradition dating back to 16th-century Anabaptists and Left-Wing or Radical Reformation.
mercy ground In West African aladura and other indigenous churches, an open plot of ground near a church, often walled, where Christians may come for private prayer, often prostrate and for whole nights at a time; also called a gethsemane.
messiah One accepted as, or claiming to be, a leader destined to bring about salvation.
messianic Jews Jewish-Christians (qv).
Messianic Jews Jewish believers in Christ as Messiah who opt not to join mainline churches but form independent churches retaining much Hebrew terminology and Jewish traditions and customs.
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