World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
longitudinal study The study of values of a variable over a period of time.
Lords Supper The Eucharist, Communion Service, Liturgy, Holy Communion, Breaking of Bread, Mass, Agape, Love- Feast.
Low Church Anglicans Conservative Evangelicals and Fundamentalists within Anglicanism, stressing the Evangelical heritage.
low spiritists Afro-American spiritists (qv).
Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The major Lutheran world communion.
Lutheran/Reformed united churches Some 18 denominations, with most members being in East Germany, belong to united churches of Lutheran and Reformed composition.
Lutherans Followers of Martin Luther and the original German Protestant protesting tradition (16th century).
Macanese Eurasians in Macao, of Portuguese-Chinese origin.
macro region United Nations definition of continent, dividing the world into 6 such regions; previously named continental area now replaced by major area.
macro segment A major population subgrouping which occupies a primary or significant place in a global taxonomy of populations, and which is used in detailing the remaining unfinished task.
macrodenomination A Christian denomination in a country whose affiliated members number 10 million or more.
macro-ecclesiography The descriptive and numerical analysis of the entire Christian church in the total world context.
macroevangelistics The scientific study of the propagation of Christianity at the macroscopic or global level.
macro-evangelistics The scientific study, at the global level, of the propagation of Christianity.
macro-missiography The descriptive and numerical analysis of the entire Christian world mission set in and related to the total global demographic, ecological, secular and world religious, non-religious and anti-religious contexts.
macroreligion A global or worldwide religion or family of religions, usually with from 20 to 100 million adherents.
macrozone One of 10 global zones used in language classification.
magic The attempt of man to govern the forces of nature directly, by means of a special lore; white magic has benevolent intent, black magic has malevolent intent.
magisterium In Catholic usage, the churchs teaching power, function or office.
magnetic healing A ministry claimed by some charismatic leaders of marginal Protestant bodies, especially Religious Science.
magnitude, general order of See general order of magnitude.
Mahayanists The Greater Vehicle school of Buddhists (qv), or Northern Buddhism (China, Japan, et alia).
mahdi A Muslim leader who assumes a messianic role.
mail censorship See censorship, religious.
mail evangelism Postal evangelism (qv).
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