Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).
Glossary item | Definition |
longitudinal study | The study of values of a variable over a period of time. |
Lord’s Supper | The Eucharist, Communion Service, Liturgy, Holy Communion, Breaking of Bread, Mass, Agape, Love- Feast. |
Low Church Anglicans | Conservative Evangelicals and Fundamentalists within Anglicanism, stressing the Evangelical heritage. |
low spiritists | Afro-American spiritists (qv). |
Lutheran World Federation | (LWF). The major Lutheran world communion. |
Lutheran/Reformed united churches | Some 18 denominations, with most members being in East Germany, belong to united churches of Lutheran and Reformed composition. |
Lutherans | Followers of Martin Luther and the original German Protestant protesting tradition (16th century). |
Macanese | Eurasians in Macao, of Portuguese-Chinese origin. |
macro region | United Nations’ definition of continent, dividing the world into 6 such regions; previously named continental area now replaced by major area. |
macro segment | A major population subgrouping which occupies a primary or significant place in a global taxonomy of populations, and which is used in detailing the remaining unfinished task. |
macrodenomination | A Christian denomination in a country whose affiliated members number 10 million or more. |
macro-ecclesiography | The descriptive and numerical analysis of the entire Christian church in the total world context. |
macroevangelistics | The scientific study of the propagation of Christianity at the macroscopic or global level. |
macro-evangelistics | The scientific study, at the global level, of the propagation of Christianity. |
macro-missiography | The descriptive and numerical analysis of the entire Christian world mission set in and related to the total global demographic, ecological, secular and world religious, non-religious and anti-religious contexts. |
macroreligion | A global or worldwide religion or family of religions, usually with from 20 to 100 million adherents. |
macrozone | One of 10 global zones used in language classification. |
magic | The attempt of man to govern the forces of nature directly, by means of a special lore; white magic has benevolent intent, black magic has malevolent intent. |
magisterium | In Catholic usage, the church’s teaching power, function or office. |
magnetic healing | A ministry claimed by some charismatic leaders of marginal Protestant bodies, especially Religious Science. |
magnitude, general order of | See general order of magnitude. |
Mahayanists | The Greater Vehicle school of Buddhists (qv), or Northern Buddhism (China, Japan, et alia). |
mahdi | A Muslim leader who assumes a messianic role. |
mail censorship | See censorship, religious. |
mail evangelism | Postal evangelism (qv). |
Data on 18 categories of religion, including non-religious, by country, province, and people.
Data on all religions, Christian activities, and trends.
Membership data, year begun, and rates of change.
Population and religion data on all major cities & provinces.
Detailed information covering religion, culture, and geography.
A repository of historical data, including a chronology of Christianity from the 1st to 21st centuries.