World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
language set A grouping of languages sharing 30% common vocabulary.
language user Speakers of a specific language who can understand or use other languages within a cluster through sharing 80% common vocabulary.
language, inner Technical name for the popularly used simplification language.
language, official state See official state languages.
language, outer Synonym for language cluster.
language, phyla 24 major divisions under which the worlds languages can be classified.
languages On our classification, the world has 12, 900 distinct and separate languages, excluding dialects.
lapsed Former church members who have abandoned churchgoing, or the practice of Christianity, or affiliation, or Christian profession, and have deserted the faith completely; backsliders, disaffiliated, dechristianized, post-Christians, apostates.
Last Commission See Great Commission.
latent church A theological term (coined by P. Tillich) for nominal Christians (qv) and others not part of the organized churches which assert that Jesus is the Christ.
latifundia (Latin; Spanish, latifundio; Italian latifondo). A system of land concentration in vast rural estates; mainly in Latin America.
Latin A European ethnolinguistic family; Romance.
Latin American One of the 13 ethnic regions of mankind, speaking Spanish and Portuguese.
Latin American indigenous churches Non-White indigenous churches, indigenous to Latin American peoples.
Latin Europe A term for Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Portugal, San Marino, and Spain.
Latin rite Forms of Christian worship and liturgy utilizing or based on Latin; that part of the Catholic Church that employs Latin liturgies.
Latter Rain A type of Perfectionist-Pentecostals (qv) claiming to inaugurate the Latter or Springtime Rain cited by Old Testament prophets as immediate precursor to the Second Coming of Christ.
Latter-day Saints Mormons; a generic term for followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City) or of its 85 schismatic breakoff bodies; a marginal Protestant movement.
laura A monastery of the Eastern Church originally consisting of monks in community yet inhabiting separate cells grouped around a church.
lay Belonging or relating to those church members not in holy orders, not of the clergy.
lay ministries In this field, organizations significant at the national or wider levels number over 300.
lay missionaries, Catholic (1996) 9,554.
lay preachers Unordained unpaid but officially-accredited spare-time preachers in Protestant churches.
lay readers In Anglicanism, laypersons authorized by a bishop to read parts of the public service, to preach and to assist at Holy Communion.
lay training centers Study centers and other specialized centers for training the laity in their role in church and mission in the modern world.
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