World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
Khoisan An Early African ethnolinguistic family with about 50 languages.
Khojas Nizari Ismailis (qv), followers of the Aga Khan.
Kibei A Japanese-American born of Issei parents but educated in Japan.
kingdom hall In Jehovahs Witnesses usage, a large central permanent church building and headquarters.
Kingdom of God The central theme of Christs teaching and of the New Testament, and of Christian theology subsequently.
Kirchentag (German: church congress). A series of annual mass Whitsun rallies or festivals of the German Churches (Protestant and Catholic), held approximately every 2 years since 1945; they last 4-7 days, with meetings, workshops, et alia.
knowledge base A collection of data, rules, inferences, and procedures in a specific field of interest, organized to form the basis for an intelligent computer expert system.
koinonia (NT Greek). Fellowship; the witness of fellowship.
Koran See Quran.
Korean An Asian ethnolinguistic family and people.
Korean indigenous churches Denominations indigenous to, and started by, Koreans.
Krio A Eurafrican or Colored person, in Sierra Leone.
labor force In ILO usage, the economically-active population, both employed and unemployed, excluding students, women at home, retired persons, wholly-dependent persons, et alii.
labor-intensive Methods of industrial or manufacturing organization which employ as many persons as possible, in developing countries.
laicization The process or act of removing or nullifying priests orders and returning clergy to the status of laity again, mainly among Catholics.
laity The great body of the people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergy; in Christianity, laity number over 99.7% of the entire membership of the churches.
lama (Tibetan: one who is superior). Apriest or monk of Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism).
Lamaists Tantrayana, or the Tantrism school of Buddhism (qv).
Lambeth Conference A conference of the bishops of the worldwide Anglican Communion called every 10 years or so by the archbishop of Canterbury; consultative only, not legislative.
Landeskirche (German: territorial or state church). In West Germany, the Protestant state or established church of one of the 10 Lander (states).
land-line relay In large evangelistic campaigns, a campaign meeting or service which is transmitted from the host city to another city by land cable, to be heard there by another audience.
language The principal means of communicating culture (the entire way of life of a people); tongue, speech, idiom, dialect.
language A grouping of idioms or dialects whose speech communities share 85% or more common vocabulary.
language cluster Also termed outer language, a grouping of languages which shares 80% or more lexical similarity (shared words, the basic vocabulary of human experience).
language net A grouping of languages sharing 70% or more common vocabulary.
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