World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
Indo-Iranian One of the 13 ethnic regions of mankind, with over 230 languages.
Indo-Malay An Asian ethnolinguistic family, with 300 languages.
Indonesian indigenous churches Denominations indigenous to, and started by, Indonesians.
industrial mission A Christian approach to industrial organizations in a particular region.
industrialization The act or process of becoming industrial in a particular region or country.
ineligible member An adult church member who is not eligible to take communion, usually being under discipline for some offense.
infant baptism In Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, Reformed and other pedobaptist (qv) traditions, the administration of baptism to children under 5 years old.
infants Defined here as those under 5 years old, or the preschool population, including new-born babies; although the term is often restricted to children who have not reached their first birthday.
infants Children or babies under 5 years old; the preschool population.
infilling by the Holy Spirit Persons baptized in the Spirit each year are enumerated in the statistics of several Pentecostal denominations (e.g. Assemblies of God, US).
inflation Annual percentage growth in consumer prices, as measured by the consumer price index (qv).
infobasing Use of a large collection of useful, understandable, and easily retrieved information stored in a computer. Information is more useful than raw data (facts and figures) but less organized than knowledge (understanding, learning) or wisdom (superior understanding).
informant A respondent (qv) in a census or survey; a person supplying information.
inhabitant A person who dwells or resides permanently in a place as distinguished from a transient lodger or visitor, or a resident (who may be temporary or short-term).
Injerto The issue of a Latin American White and a Chinese or Japanese.
inner language Alternative term for a language (qv) as utilized in this WCE/WCT/WCD survey.
inner lingua franca A common language with over 100,000 non-native speakers, and strictly defined as a language (inner language) in the World Language Classification.
inner-city ministry The parish ministry adapted to innercity dwellers in areas of urban blight.
inquirers See enquirers.
inscriptions A technical term in Bible correspondence course ministry for enrolments or the number of persons signing on, enrolling or writing in.
inspectorate (French, inspection). In French Lutheran usage, a large area of ecclesiastical jurisdiction equivalent to a deanery or presbytery.
institutes, religious See religious institutes.
institutional population Persons in correctional schools, hospitals, prisons and other institutions, who are often separately enumerated in censuses.
institutions, Christian Major Christian or church-operated or -related institutions of all kinds, i.e. fixed centers with premises, plant and permanent staff, excluding church buildings, worship centers, church headquarters or offices. For detailed statistics, see under: ecumenical centers, higher schools, medical centers, presses, radio stations, religious communities, research centers, seminaries, study centers, universities.
instrument Any measuring device (Websters); in missiological usage, any of the 2,056 means or methods employed by churches and missions to record the progress and status of Christianity,and so recorded and described in the present WCE/WCT/WCD.
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