World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
inclusive membership The total of a churchs or denominations affiliated Christians (qv) or church members, of all ages and varieties including children, infants and persons under instruction, also termed total Christian community.
income, average See family income, national income per person.
incumbent The holder of an ecclesiastical benefice (diocese, office, or, more usually, parish).
Independency Congregationalism; A religious movement originating in England after AD 1600 asserting a congregations independence of higher ecclesiastical authority.
independency The ecclesiastical position rejecting control of churches by centralized denominationalist headquarters; organizing churches and missions independent of historic Christianity.
independency, religious A movement asserting independence of a previously recognized ecclesiastical authority, especially exemplified in the African indigenous churches (qv).
independent Term for independent Evangelical churches with no denomination affiliation or ties.
Independent Congregationalist.
Independent Charismatics Members of the Pentecostal/Charismatic renewal characterized by the adjectives Independent, Post-denominationalist, and Neo-Apostolic. Similar to charismatics but unconnected with mainline Pentecostal or non-Pentecostal denominations.
Independents Christians who identify as independent of the major Christian traditions (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant). Independent of historic, organised, institutionalized and denominationalist Christianity.
Independents One of Christianitys 6 ecclesiastico-cultural megablocs, separated from, uninterested in, and independent of historic denominationalist Christianity (the other 5 megablocs).
in-depth evangelism See Evangelism-in-Depth.
in-depth evangelism The strategy of united programs of evangelism in a country or area; total mobilization evangelism, saturation evangelism, Evangelism-in-Depth, New Life for All, etc., stressing mobilization of all believers and their resources within the framework of church, reaching all unbelievers in the area, through every available means.
Index Librorum Prohibitorum List published at Rome of prohibited books judged dangerous to faith or morals; created 1557, abolished 1965.
Indian indigenous churches Denominations indigenous to, and started by, Indians.
indicator Any descriptive property or variable, a measuring device.
indigenous Originating or developing or produced naturally in a particular land or region or environment; not introduced directly or indirectly from the outside.
indigenous Christianity In a particular region, that type of Christianity which, in contrast to imported or foreign types, is evolved or produced by populations indigenous to that region.
indigenous church A locally-founded church, i.e. one originating within a country or race or people, or produced naturally by nationals of that country or members of that race or people, as opposed to a church of foreign or alien origin imported from abroad or introduced from outside.
indigenous evangelization Spreading of the gospel among a non-Christian population by persons indigenous to that population.
indigenous media See folk media.
indigenous religious institutes In Catholic usage, locally-founded religious congregations of men or women began in mission fields.
indigenous,Third-World Churches and Christians indigenous to the Third World.
indirect access Access (qv) to Scripture but only through a near-scripture in a language in the same cluster.
individual A person; the fundamental statistical unit used in demography.
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