World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
household size Standard size, for statistical purposes, of a family, composed of 2 spouses, 2 children (under 15), and one adult (15 or over).
hovercraft Land-water craft supported by cushion of air; used by Missionary Aviation Fellowship and other mission bodies.
Huguenots A historical name, since 1560, for French Calvinists.
human network The linking together of people as nodes horizontally (as equals, without hierarchy or executive authority); the linking of numbers of individuals or organizations to address common interests or problems.
human rights The whole range of the rights of individuals, families, communities, religious persons, as set out in the UNs 1948 Universal Declaration on Human Rights (especially the detailing of religious freedoms).
humanism A philosophy based on agnosticism that rejects supernaturalism and revelation, regards man as a natural object only, and asserts the essential dignity and worth of man and his capacity to achieve self-realization and self-fulfillment through the use of reason and scientific method; naturalistic humanism, scientific humanism.
humanism, Christian See religious humanism.
humanism, religious See religious humanism.
humanist A person who subscribes to humanism.
Hungarian rite Catholics following the Hungarian rite.
Hungarian/Slavonic Eastern Orthodox liturgical tradition using Hungarian and Slavonic in the liturgy. Membership: (1970) 10 churches with 5,200 adult members, 40,400 total community.
hymnody, hymnology The study of hymns (songs of praise to God) and their composition; a body of hymns of a particular period or region. I found it campaigns. A global series of evangelistic campaigns (Heres Life World) employing this deliberately-ambiguous slogan (It being New Life in Christ).
Ibadis, Ibadites Kharijites (qv).
icon, ikon A flat painted sacred picture.
iconoclasm Anti-icon campaign at Constantinople, AD 726- 842
iconography Art representing religious subjects by conventional images and symbols, the study of religious art and symbolism.
iconostasis Screen separating nave from sanctuary, adorned with icons, in Orthodox churches.
ideology The science of ideas, their origin and nature; a particular sociopolitical set of theories.
idiom A language whose speech community regards it and its autoglossonym as their mother tongue and which shares less than 95% common vocabulary with any other idiom.
illiterate A person who can neither read nor write.
imam (Arabic, divine guide). AMuslim religious practitioner or cleric.
Imamis, Imamites Ithna-Asharis (qv), Ismailis (qv) and other Shias.
immediately subject (Italian, immediate soggette alla Santa Sede). Used of Catholic jurisdictions which are not attached to any ecclesiastical province in their own country but are immediately subject to the Holy See itself.
immigrant religion A religion absent from a country until brought in by recent immigrants.
immigration The movement of immigrants into a particular territory.
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