World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
hidden believers in Christ Members of non-Christian religions with faith in Christ who choose not to join Christian denominations but to remain in their religious and cultural contexts.
hidden Buddhist believers in Christ Hidden believers in Christ (q.v.).
hidden Hindu believers in Christ Hidden believers in Christ (q.v.).
hidden Muslim believers in Christ Hidden believers in Christ (q.v.).
hidden people An alternate term for an unreached minipeople.
hidden peoples Non-Christian peoples among whom there is no culturally relevant organized Christian church able to evangelize them.
hidden religion A minor religious system that operates in a clandestine, often subversive or illegal mode.
hierarch A religious leader holding high office or vested with controlling authority; chief prelate, bishop, high priest.
hierarchical Relating to or controlled by the hierarchy.
hierarchy In Catholic usage, the episcopate or the whole body of bishops as an authoritarian body organized by rank and jurisdiction.
hierocracy Government by ecclesiastics.
hieromonk A monk of the Eastern Church who is also a priest.
High Church Anglicans Also termed Prayer Book Catholics, or the High Church Party; Anglicans stressing the Catholic heritage.
high spiritism Mediumistic cults or religions emphasizing a synthesis of science, philosophy and religion, as contrasted with low spiritism.
higher education Tertiary education, education in universities.
higher schools Church- or Christian-related junior and senior secondary schools, minor seminaries (secular and religious), technical schools, agricultural schools, vocational schools, teacher-training colleges, non-degree-granting colleges.
Hinayana A school of Buddhists, Theravada (qv).
Hindu reform movements These include: Arya Samaj, Brahmo Samaj, Ramakrishna Mission (Ramakrishna Movement/Vedanta Movement), and others.
Hindus Followers of the main Hindu traditions: Vaishnavism; Shaivism; Shaktism; neo-Hindu movements and modern sects; and other Hindu reform movements.
historic churches The major mainline or older churches or denominations with a long history in that part of the world under consideration.
historic succession of the episcopate Apostolic succession (qv).
historical demography The study of the history of population development.
holdings The number of volumes and other discrete items held by a library.
Holiness, Holiness Christians Protestant tradition originating in Methodism.
Holiness-Pentecostals Pentecostals teaching 3-crisis experience (conversion, sanctification, baptism of the Spirit).
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