Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).
Glossary item | Definition |
Gregorian Calendar | New Calendar (qv). |
Gregorians | Armenian Apostolics, or Armenian Orthodox (qv). |
gross national product | The total value of the goods and services produced in a nation during a specific period (usually a year), and also comprising the total of expenditures by consumers and government plus gross private investment. |
gross national product per capita | National income per person (qv). |
growth | In church and mission circles: development, rise, emergence, evolution, expansion, size. |
growth rate | The annual increase in a population measured as a percentage per year. |
guerrillas | Small military forces engaged in irregular warfare or in the rear of regular forces. |
Guinean | An African ethnolinguistic family, with about 80 languages. |
Gypsy | Itinerant Caucasoid people originally from India, and since the 14th century scattered throughout Europe. |
hadith | In Islam, the collected traditions of Mohammed. |
hajj | (hadj, haj). The pilgrimage to Mecca prescribed as a religious duty for Muslim. |
hajj pilgrims to Mecca | Annual totals: (1912) 300,000, (1929) 90,000, (1941) 23,000, (1968) 692,784, (1975) 1,557,867, peaking at 2.5 million (1989); controlled thereafter at 2 million. Sou |
hajji | (hadji, haji). AMuslim who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca, who may then add the term to his name as a title. |
Half-Breed | A Half-Caste (qv). |
Half-Caste | A person of mixed blood or race. |
ham operators | Amateur radio operators (qv). |
Hanafites | Followers of Hanafiya, the most liberal of the 4 schools or rites of Sunni Muslim law, and by far the most widespread. |
Hanbalites | Followers of Hanabila, the most rigid of the 4 schools or rites of Sunni Muslim law; mainly in Central Arabia. |
handicapped children | Of the world’s 1.8 billion children under 15 years old, 100 million (5%) are severely handicapped and 240 million (13%) need special attention or rehabilitation services. |
handicapped groups, ministry to | Special ministries exist, in most larger denominations and para-church agencies, to work with lepers, the blind, the crippled, and other groups. |
hearers | Persons understanding a language at a lower level than native speakers, understanding it but not competent at conversing in it. |
hearing impaired persons | Deaf and partially-deaf persons, able to converse by signing (use of a signed language). |
hermeneutics | The study of the general principles of biblical interpretation and explanation. |
heuristic | The use of empirical knowledge and rules of thumb in problem-solving by an expert or an expert system. |
hidden affiliation | The situation in which Christians affiliated to minority or illegal or anti-state or persecuted churches hide this affiliation in government censuses (or whose affiliation is ignored by enumerators) and profess another type of Christianity (usually that of the majority church). |
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