World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
Gregorian Calendar New Calendar (qv).
Gregorians Armenian Apostolics, or Armenian Orthodox (qv).
gross national product The total value of the goods and services produced in a nation during a specific period (usually a year), and also comprising the total of expenditures by consumers and government plus gross private investment.
gross national product per capita National income per person (qv).
growth In church and mission circles: development, rise, emergence, evolution, expansion, size.
growth rate The annual increase in a population measured as a percentage per year.
guerrillas Small military forces engaged in irregular warfare or in the rear of regular forces.
Guinean An African ethnolinguistic family, with about 80 languages.
Gypsy Itinerant Caucasoid people originally from India, and since the 14th century scattered throughout Europe.
hadith In Islam, the collected traditions of Mohammed.
hajj (hadj, haj). The pilgrimage to Mecca prescribed as a religious duty for Muslim.
hajj pilgrims to Mecca Annual totals: (1912) 300,000, (1929) 90,000, (1941) 23,000, (1968) 692,784, (1975) 1,557,867, peaking at 2.5 million (1989); controlled thereafter at 2 million. Sou
hajji (hadji, haji). AMuslim who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca, who may then add the term to his name as a title.
Half-Breed A Half-Caste (qv).
Half-Caste A person of mixed blood or race.
ham operators Amateur radio operators (qv).
Hanafites Followers of Hanafiya, the most liberal of the 4 schools or rites of Sunni Muslim law, and by far the most widespread.
Hanbalites Followers of Hanabila, the most rigid of the 4 schools or rites of Sunni Muslim law; mainly in Central Arabia.
handicapped children Of the worlds 1.8 billion children under 15 years old, 100 million (5%) are severely handicapped and 240 million (13%) need special attention or rehabilitation services.
handicapped groups, ministry to Special ministries exist, in most larger denominations and para-church agencies, to work with lepers, the blind, the crippled, and other groups.
hearers Persons understanding a language at a lower level than native speakers, understanding it but not competent at conversing in it.
hearing impaired persons Deaf and partially-deaf persons, able to converse by signing (use of a signed language).
hermeneutics The study of the general principles of biblical interpretation and explanation.
heuristic The use of empirical knowledge and rules of thumb in problem-solving by an expert or an expert system.
hidden affiliation The situation in which Christians affiliated to minority or illegal or anti-state or persecuted churches hide this affiliation in government censuses (or whose affiliation is ignored by enumerators) and profess another type of Christianity (usually that of the majority church).
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