World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
Gnostics Followers of a complex Jewish-Christian syncretistic movement in the 2nd century AD. The only surviving Gnostics today are the 39,000 Mandaeans (qv) of Iraq and Iran.
Goa See of Latin Catholic patriarchate and patriarch, since 1886
goals An aim or set of objectives to accomplish a purpose, here relating to world evangelization, usually in a specified time or by a certain date.
gospel The good news of salvation and new life in Jesus Christ and the coming of the Kingdom of God.
gospel (1) The Good News about God, Jesus Christ, salvation and discipleship. (2) When capitalized, one of the 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). (3) Not capitalized, a printed copy of one of the Gospels for mass distribution.
gospelize To instruct in the gospel, preach the gospel, evangelize.
gospels See portions.
Gospels 4 New Testament books containing narratives of the life and death of Jesus Christ, ascribed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
government ministries of religion See state departments for religious affairs.
government statistics of religion Figures of adherents of religions and churches promulgated by governments, usually derived from government censuses of population.
graph A diagram with 2 axes, horizontal and vertical, with changes in variables represented by lines or curves.
graphic A visual or pictorial form of transmitting complex data or information; a line diagram.
graveyard evangelism Preaching and evangelism engaged in on the occasion of funerals or burials, especially in anti- Christian countries where preaching outside church buildings is prohibited.
gray money Dirty money or criminal profits laundered by banks.
Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church Major Eastern Orthodox ecumenical council to be held shortly, the first since Nicea II in AD 787. Eastern Orthodox in canonical relationship:.
Great Britain Geographically, the 3 countries England, Wales and Scotland; politically, often used for the whole United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Great Church Official name of Santa Sophia, former cathedral church of Constantinople.
Great Commission The universal or last commission delivered to his disciples by the Risen and Ascended Christ: Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all mankind (Mark 16.15, GNB).
Great Commission The final commandment of Jesus Christ on Earth, to his disciples before his Ascension, ordering the evangelizing, discipling, baptizing, and training of all peoples as his followers.
Great Commission (used as an adjective) A descriptive term for persons or organizations or plans or activities of any nationality, denomination, or confession which are based on Christs Great Commission and which are actively working to obey it, personally and corporately.
Great Commission agency A church or parachurch or service agency which publicizes its raison dêtre as obedience to Christs Great Commission.
Greater Vehicle The Mahayana school of Buddhists.
Greek A European ethnolinguistic family and people.
Greek Catholics (1) Those using the Greek rite, under Rome: membership (1995) 2,350 total community. (2) Melkites (qv).
Greek Orthodox (1) Christians related to the Church of Greece and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople; often loosely used, instead of the more correct term Eastern Orthodox, to include Slavic Orthodoxy also. (2) Greek-speaking Orthodox using Greek rite.
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