World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
Geez Ethiopic, an extinct Semitic language still used as the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
Gelukpa Yellow Hat (Reformed) Lamaism (qv).
general The chief of a religious order or all houses or congregations under one religious rule; superior general of the Jesuit order; supreme commander of the Salvation Army.
general census A population census in which all inhabitants of a country are counted simultaneously.
general order of magnitude A number or statistic or set of statistics which establishes the broad area of size of a particular situation, whether local, denominational, tribal, national, regional, racial, continental or global.
generalate The headquarters of a Catholic religious institute headed by a general or superior general.
general-order estimate A number or statistic indicating approximately (rounded to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 or million) the broad area of size or magnitude of a particular category or variable.
generation (1) A group of persons born within a specified period of time, generally taken as a calendar year. (2) The average span of time, variously computed and varying according to cultural and other conditions, between the birth of parents and that of their children; usually taken as 30 years (sometimes as 25 or 33 years).
generation The average period (about 30 years) between the birth of one generational group on Earth, and that of the next; a 30-year period.
geoatlas A compilation or compendium of global maps highlighting Christian or religious variables
geocodebook Systematic presentation of all variables, abbreviations, and codes used in presentation and analysis of large volumes of Christian data.
geographic race Subdivision of the 5 races of humankind, with each of the 13 geographic races being based on one continent or part thereof; also termed continental race, or regional race.
geography of religion The description and analysis of religious phenomena in terms of the science of geography (spatial variations in human and physical phenomena).
geolinguistics The new science of the spatial study of language use and distribution.
geometric mean The square root of the product of the 2 end figures or populations in a period.
geopersonnel The status, study, and analysis of Christian workers of all kinds, at the global level.
geopolitical Relating to or based on geopolitics.
geopolitico-religious An overall term describing the major geographical, political, sociological, socio-economic demographic and religious characteristics of the world, or continents, or nations.
geopolitics The study of the influence of physical factors such as geography, economics and demography upon the politics and foreign policy of a state; the political and geographical factors characterizing a particular state or region.
georeligion A worldwide religion, or segment of a larger religion, that is global, universal, non-local, open to all as members.
georenewal Any religious or Christian renewal or revival movement that is significant at the global level.
Georgian Eastern Orthodox liturgical tradition (Georgian Orthodox Church).
geoscriptures Distribution and density of the Christian Scriptures at the global level.
geostatistics Statistics of the whole globe and its population, from the Christian viewpoint.
geostatus The overall situation and status of the globes whole population, in particular from the religious and Christian standpoints.
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