World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2020_country New religionists Number of New religionists (Neoreligionists) in this country's population.
version_2020_country non-Christians who know Christians non-Christians who know Christians.
version_2020_country No-Scripture languages count Count of languages with no book of scripture translated.
version_2020_country NT Achievement % New Testaments actually distributed over the past 20 years as a percentage of the desired goal for this country.
version_2020_country NT Duplicate pa Number of New Testaments distributed each year in Bibles in this country. Distribution (free subsidized, commercial).
version_2020_country NT Goal Goal for the number of New Testaments to be placed in this country. Equals the number of literate Christians.
version_2020_country NT Goal pa The number of New Testaments that must be dispensed each year to meet distribution goals in this country.
version_2020_country NT languages count Count of ISO languages with a New Testament translation.
version_2020_country NT Other pa Number of New Testaments distributed by agencies other than the United Bible Societies (UBS), each year in this country.
version_2020_country NT Total pa Total number of New Testaments distributed in this country by both the United Bible Societies (UBS) and other agencies.
version_2020_country NT UBS pa Number of New Testaments distributed each year by the United Bible Societies (UBS) in this country (5 year average).
version_2020_country NTs in place New Testaments distributed in the past 20 yrs (= in place)".
version_2020_country Offers per capita pa A scientific count producing numbers of concrete disciple-opportunities, invitations, chances to hear the gospel and become disciples of Christ. This is a per year/ per capita figure for the cited country.
version_2020_country Offers per day Offers (disciple-opportunities) per day in the country. 'Offers' are a scientific count producing numbers of concrete disciple-opportunities, invitations, chances to hear the gospel and become disciples of Christ. This is a per year/ per capita figure for this country.
version_2020_country Official name Official name of country.
version_2020_country Orthodox Number of Affiliated Orthodox in this country. This includes Orthodoxy's 4 traditions: Eastern (Chalcedonian), Oriental (Pre-Chalcedonian, Non-Chalcedonian, Monophysite), Nestorian (Assyrian), and non-historical Orthodox.
version_2020_country Outreach per Chr 2025 Outreach per Christian in 2025: This value represents the number of evangelized non-Christians reached per Christian.
version_2020_country Outreach per Chr 2050 Outreach per Christian in 2050: This value represents the number of evangelized non-Christians reached per Christian.
version_2020_country Parachurch income pa The collective income earned by all parachurches in this country each year.
version_2020_country Pentecostal/Charismatics Pentecostals/Charismatics = Pentecostals + Charismatics + Independent Charismatics population in the country.
version_2020_country Pentecostals Number of Pentecostals (Classical Pentecostals) in the country. "Classical Pentecostals" is a blanket term for traditional types of Pentecostal (Pentecostal Apostolic, Oneness-Pentecostal, Baptistic Pentecostal, Holiness-Pentecostal, Perfectionist- Pentecostal), as contrasted with Neo-pentecostal, Catholic pentecostal, Non-White pentecostal, etc.
version_2020_country Peoples Total number of distinct ethnolinguistic people groups in this country. An 'ethnolinguistic people group' is an ethnic or racial group speaking its own language or mother tongue.
version_2020_country Physicians per K Number of physicians per thousand of the country's population. Primary source: World Health Organization (2017) (in HDR 2018: most recent year in the period 2007-2017).
version_2020_country Pop Density Number of persons living in a square kilometer in this country. Primary source: United Nations 2019.
version_2020_country Pop growth % p.a. 2025 Given current trends, by 2025, the country's natural population will increase annually at this percentage rate. A 'natural population increase' is determined by subtracting the number of deaths from the number of births in this country.
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